What is stock exchange

Earlier I told you where we go to buy fish, the fish market. Similarly, where do we go to buy these strokes or shares?  to any exchange.  A fish market is a specific place for buying and selling fish.  In this case you don’t need to go anywhere physically these can be done online now.  Now the word exchange means a platform where these are traded.  See they are controlled by SEBI, which means Securities and Exchange Board of India.  Its headquarters is in Mumbai and now Ajay Tyagi Mahashay is appointed as its chairman.
Now there are total 24 stock exchanges in India.  21 of them are recognized.  Most of the shares are traded in the National Stock Exchange (NSE).  And on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).   Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest exchange, besides there are Kolkata Stock Exchange, Ahmedabad Stock Exchange, UP Stock Exchange, Coimbatore Stock Exchange, Bhubaneswar Stock Exchange and many more.
The most important stock exchanges in India are the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange.  We will try to know about these two stock exchanges.
See, Bombay Stock Exchange is a very old stock exchange. It was established in 1875 in India.  Second largest stock exchange.  Its index is Sensex 30.  30 words means here are thirty top company name list.  Moreover, there are about 5700 company names. That is, Sensex is determined on the stock exchange price fluctuations of thirty important companies.  That means it is a very old exchange which means there are very old people here.  Financial transactions here are 2.1 trillion rupees.
Just like this if we see the index of National Stock Exchange i.e. NSE i.e. Nifty 50. It was established in the month of November 1992 and it started trading effectively on 30th June 1994.  Currently, NSE is the largest stock exchange in India. Nifty value is calculated from the average calculation of share price fluctuations of 50 important corporate companies of the country

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